Tekhead offers the following Video Tutorials for CPanel, our Customer Website Control Panel.  These videos can be played by using the Macromedia Flash plug-in for your browser.

Don't have the Flash Player plug-in installed on your browser?  No problem!  Click on the link anyway!

Each page will auto-detect whether or not you have the plug-in installed.  If you do not, the page will detect this and install the plug-in for you!


Creating a POP Email Account
Creating an E-Mail Account in Outlook Express
Creating a default (catchall) E-Mail Account
Creating a autoresponder
Using Webmail (for Neomail only)

Uploading Your Files

Using File Manager
Creating a FTP Account

Web Site Management

Changing your Password
Index Manager
Creating Custom Error Pages
Hotlink Protection
Password Protecting a Directory
Creating a Add-On Domain
Creating Sub-Domains
URL Re-direction
Backup or Restore your Website
Installing Frontpage Extensions

Advanced Features

Creating a MySQL database
Managing Databases with PHPmyAdmin

Here is the CPanel 7 Users Guide in PDF Format. 

CPanel 7 (User's Guide - X2 Skin)

User's Guide (PDF)

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